1st sensorFINT International Workshop (Porto)

Event Details
The 1st sensorFINT International Workshop of the COST Action 19145 “European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors” will be dedicated to “Smart Spectral Sensors for
Event Details
The 1st sensorFINT International Workshop of the COST Action 19145 “European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors” will be dedicated to “Smart Spectral Sensors for Agri-Food Quality and Process Control”, hosted by the Faculty of Biotechnology of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, at Porto, on 30th September and 1st October 2021.
The workshop framework is devoted to the increasing need for the food industry to provide information on their products in order to satisfy quality standards and to protect their products from food fraud.
The workshop, the first for the Action will be dedicated to a general overview of non destructive spectral sensors situation and challenges applied to the agrifood chain.
Recent developments in technology, and advances in big data analytics, provide the opportunity for step-changes that can transform the role of food integrity assurance from one of just strictly conformance to one that addresses a wide range of business critical concerns, including quality, safety and authenticity solutions. Non-destructive Spectroscopic Sensors (NDSS), enable rapid, non- destructive and environmentally-safe assessment of multiple parameters in a variety of food products.
Most applications of these technologies in the food industry are made at-line. Industry requires them to be deployed in situ and preferably on-line for full process control over the entire food chain.
SensorFINT is a vibrant network, combining experience in research, manufacture, training and technology transfer in relation to NDSS. The Action will operate by developing generic solutions to existing and emerging problems in non-invasive food process control building on “smart food control system” as well as developing a cadre of well-trained young researchers who will convert scientific results into a reality that matches industrial needs.
Food scientists, and engineers staff from industrial companies involved in product development and innovation, control authorities, regulators and risk assessors will find an open forum for sharing ideas and work.
The Workshop will be organized in two modalities: presence-based modality and in a virtual mode. At this moment we cannot yet assure that the Workshop will have a presential/physical edition, but we are putting all our efforts on it. At the same time, we will do our best to guarantee a nice online Workshop, with several opportunities to meet other researchers and companies and contact with every attendee! And if possible, we’ll be happy to meet those who will be able to come do our campus!
We hope to organize a nice hybrid workshop, offering it to even more interested participants for whom it wouldn’t be possible to come to our campus in Porto, Portugal.
We are looking forward to receive researchers, professionals and students from different parts or the world, to promote and share their experiences and results of high scientific level work as we have got accustomed to in COST initiatives.
We are working in developing a great workshop programme with the help of the Scientific Committee and prestigious invited keynote speakers and we expect that SensorFINT will be a platform for contacts between researchers, academia and industry in an environment of scientific excellence.
Each morning we will have a plenary session and several oral presentations. Thursday, in the afternoon, it will be time for industry companies sessions
We are looking forward to have you with us, in September, at 1st SensorFINT International Workshop COST “Smart Spectral Sensors for Agri-Food Quality and Process Control”.

Visit sensorFINT 2021
Month Long Event (september)
- Deliverables: comparative analysis report with case studies of good practice in the development of new technologies related to NDSS and their role in stimulating the innovation process in the EU food industry a questionnaire-based study
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